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Friday, December 12, 2008

Chemical Bonding

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

I have postponed many time to update my blog. It was because of my hectic life + laziness of myself. However, this night I'll update this blog as the holiday will be over for a day more and I'll have Chemistry exam next week and this will make my life more hectic than before.

Let we start the topic..

"Sodium is explosive and Chlorine is harmful. But, when the two of them gathered forming a bond between them it will produce a peaceful molecule, that is sodium chloride. Subhanallah.." said Dr. Mahmoud Hammouri, my Chemistry lecturer when he taught us about chemical bonding.

Once he said like that, I started to think about the moral behind Allah's creation, that is chemical bond.

First, ionic bond=the electrostatic force that holds ions together in an ionic compound. We take sodium chloride as an example.
  1. Sodium has one valence electron while Chlorine has seven valence electron. (Try to imagine, the electron is our prosperity or wealth)
  2. To achieve stability or in the science language we call as octet electron arrangement, Sodium has to donate its one electron to Chlorine. (Stability/octet electron arrangement=Life stability) -Sodium has had stable life with one excess wealth. So, it donates its wealth to Chlorine which needs one more wealth to achieve the stability of life-
  3. This will form a bond between them after the process of donation and acceptance of electron. We call this as ionic bond. (Bond=Ukhuwwah)
Second, covalent bond=a bond in which two electrons are shared by two atoms. We take Hydrogen gas for example.
  1. Hydrogen has one electron. (Electron=Prosperity or wealth)
  2. To achieve stability or duplet electron arrangement, the two hydrogen atoms need to share its electron between them. Because both of the hydrogen atoms need one more electrons, they share their electrons in order to achieve stability. (Stability or duplet electron arrangement=Life stability)
  3. This will form a bond between them because of the sharing electrons. We call this as covalent bond. (Bond=Ukhuwwah)
Look. Even in the atoms Allah shows us how to live in a peaceful life with the strength of ukhuwwah. May this post will make us think more about Allah's creation. Insyaallah.

Last but not least, I think it is not too late to wish all of the readers Salam Aidil Adha!!
Mari bersama-sama kita menjejak RUH PENGORBANAN!! -Berkorban demi Ukhuwwah-


Monday, November 17, 2008

Ber'mobile phone' Pun Ada Adab...?? ^_~

Dengan nama Allah yang maha Pemurah lagi maha Mengasihani..

Menarik bukan?? Pertama kali ana baca artikel atau lebih kepada surat seorang ayah kepada anaknya berkenaan syarat-syarat penggunaan 'mobile phone'. Disebabkan rasa ketertarikan tersebut, maka ana mengcopy paste untuk antum membacanya. Insyaallah, sama-sama kita ambil pengajaran.

Anak ayah yang disayangi,

Sudah tiba masanya anak ayah menggunakan telefon bimbit ini. Walau bagaimanapun ia bukan keperluan asas, tetapi adalah satu keistemewaan. Maknanya, kalau anak ayah melanggari perjanjian penggunaan ini, maka ayah berhak mengambilnya semula.

Ingat ya, telefon bimbit ini adalah sebahagian daripada anggota tubuh badan. Ia adalah otak kita yang kedua. Ia boleh menyimpan data dan maklumat dan boleh mengingatkan kita banyak perkara. Polis lebih mempercayai maklumat dalam telefon ini daripada otak kita sebab dia tidak menipu. Oleh itu, simpanlah di dalamya data-data yang baik-baik sahaja. Jangan masukkan di dalamnya bahan-bahan haram seperti gambar atau video lucah. Ia menggambarkan sikap dan akhlak kita juga.

Disebabkan ia adalah menggambarkan akhlak kita, pastikan anak ayah paparkan di “background”nya gambar yang soleh, bukan gambar orang yang tidak sopan. Telefon ini mengeluarkan suara, oleh itu pastikan “ringtone”nya tidak mengganggu orang lain sama ada tahap bising yang kuat atau iramanya tidak menyenangkan.

Setiap komunikasi hendaklah mulakan dengan salam yang sempurna. Sama ada menggunakan SMS atau suara. Dan setiap perbualan mesti (wajib) di tutup dengan doa sejahtera atau semoga bertemu lagi. Jangan biarkan tergantung menyebabkan pemanggil tertunggu-tunggu dariada kita.

Penggunaan di rumah

Adab bercakap dengan pemanggil di rumah sama seperti mana kita menerima kunjungan tetamu ke rumah ayah. Ayah hanya membenarkan anak ayah bercakap di ruang tamu sahaja (tidak di dalam bilik tidur anak ayah) melainkan pemanggil itu sejantina atau muhrim kita.

Waktu menggunakan telefon bimbit di rumah tetap sama seperti mana adab memasuki bilik tidur. Anak ayah tahukan, antara Isyak hingga subuh (setiap hari) dan antara zuhur dan asar (hari minggu dan cuti umum) waktu ini anak ayah tidak boleh masuk bilik ayah melainkan ketuk pintu minta kebenaran. Begitu juga telefon bimbit. Supaya pemanggil luar tidak merosakkan adab kita, antara waktu isyak hingga subuh, semua telefon bimbit di”senyap”kan atau matikan terus dan diletakkan di ruang tamu. Jika ada panggilan diwaktu-waktu “aurat” kita ini, kita jawab selepas waktunya. Ayah tak rela ada pemanggil lelaki yang bukan muhrim bercakap dengan anak ayah yang perempuan ini, di atas katil, pada waktu tengah malam, tanpa izin daripada ayah.

Jangan bawa telefon bimbit ini ke dalam tandas. Nanti susah untuk menjawab salam (sama ada sms atau suara) kalau ada orang memanggil kita.

Hukum membuat panggilan sama ada SMS atau suara

Anak ayah yang disayangi, walaupun belum ada hukum fiqah yang dikeluarkan, ayah menetapkan bahawa ada perkara-perkara yang HARAM anak men”dial” atau hantar sms kepada seseorang.

Pertama: Orang yang anak nampak dan tahu dia sedang sembahyang, sedang belajar dan sedang berkerja.

Kedua: Waktu aurat orang itu (antara isyak dan subuh) melainkan dia beri kebenaran.

Ketiga: Orang yang bukan muhrim yang tiada urusan dengan anak sama sekali.

Keempat: Dengan tujuan maksiat dan sewaktu dengannya.

Perkara yang MAKRUH pula ialah

Pertama: Waktu-waktu sembahyang fardhu jamaah orang itu.

Kedua: Sengaja membuat “miss call” melainkan diberi kebenaran.

Perkara yang SUNAT pula ialah

Pertama: Hubungi opah, atuk, mak cik-mak cik sebulan sekali. Tanyakan khabar mereka, ceritakan keadaan dan kesihatan keluarga kita dan doakan kesejahteraan untuk mereka.

Kedua: Menyebutkan nama atau memaparkan nama kita di hujung sms bagi orang yang tidak kerap kita hubunginya agar dia tidak tertanya-tanya siapa kita.

Ketiga: Minta kebenaran melalui sms dahulu untuk berkomunikasi dengannya.

Perkara yang WAJIB pula ialah

Pertama: Menjawab dengan kadar segera panggilan dan/atau sms. Jawapan yang paling lemah sekali ialah dengan memaklumkan kepada pemanggil melalui sms “OK”. Melainkan perkara itu maksiat dan keburukan.

Kedua: Menghubungi pihak berkuasa jika berlaku perkara yang menjejaskan keselamatan ummah.

Penggunaan di tempat awam

HARAM menghidupkan telefon bimbit.

Pertama: Tempat-tempat yang ada dipaparkan tanda tidak dibenar menggunakannya seperti di hospital kawasan tertentu, masjid, di sekolah dan sebagainya. Atau diumumkan seperti di dalam pesawat, dewan seminar atau kursus.

MAKRUH menggunakan telefon bimbit atau menaip sms,

Pertama: Sedang bersama rakan sama ada urusan formal atau tidak melain meminta izin mereka yang hadir dahulu. Malah di dalam teksi, sila anak minta kebenaran pemandu teksi sebelum menjawab atau membuat panggilan.

Kedua: Bercakap dan ketawa dengan pemanggil hingga mengganggu orang di sekeliling.

Ketiga: Menyebut keburukan orang lain dengan pemanggil hingga orang di sekeliling boleh mendengar dengan jelas (kekadang boleh naik tahap haram)

Cukuplah setakat ini dulu anak ayah . Jika timbul isu lain, nanti kita sama-sama buat “fatwa” yang lain pula.

Terimalah telefon bimbit Nokia N100 4G dari ayah untukmu.

Selamat mencuba..!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

If HE Wants Something to Happen...

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

If HE wants something to happen, then it will happen..!!

Today, there was a Biology Lab class. I went to the university a little bit late as usual. About 15 minutes late. But it seems that i could arrive at the university on time. However, 'Gosh!!'. I forgot my lab coat.!! At that time, the bus had moved and i was in the bus!! Arghh!! i didn't know what i want to do. I became blurr for a while. If i didn't have the lab coat, meaning that i couldn't enter the class.. and it was something that i really hate..!! After had prepared for it, I couldn't enter the class only because of my carelessness. Then, after a few minutes, i remembered that i had met Maryam before i took the bus.

'Yeah.. Maybe i can call her..! Erk.., do i forget to bring my mobile phone along with me?? Haaaaaa...!!!' I didn't check whether there was my mobile phone in the bag or not. Blurr!! 'Wait, wait.. relax.. just check in ur beg. Hopefully it was there.. In the name of Allah, i opened my bag...and All praises for HIM!! It was there..!! With my shivering hand, i pressed the Maryam's number.

"Tuut.. Tuut.."

"Ha, Maryam.." (Forgot to give salam.. still in confusion)
"Dah naik bas ke?"

"Erk, dah jalan ke?"

"Boleh tolong tak? Lab coat kita tertinggal.."
"Ha..!! ye ke? Okay2"

When i arrived at the university I gave Maryam a second call.

"Macam mana?"

I forgot to ask her where was she at that time. When the lecturer had entered the lab, again for the third time, I called Maryam, asking where was she.

"Ha? ada dalam bas lagi?"
"Haah.. Tadi baru je jalan.."
"Erk.. ye ke?? Sorry..!!!!!!"
"Ermm tak pe tak pe.. Izzah masuk dulu.."
"Tak boleh pon.. Lab coat tak de.. Huhu.."

After calling Maryam, I decided to borrow a lab coat from any student that I met at that time.

"Miss, can I borrow your lab coat?"
'Blurr' "Sorry, I didn't understand."
"Err..this... Can I borrow it?" I pointed to the folded lab coat over her hand.
"Owh, can.."
"Can I have your number?"

"Okay, thank you. I'll call you.."

I entered the lab rushingly and did the quiz with my mind thinking of Maryam and Aida (friend who is always with Maryam). Fortunately, the quiz only has five objective questions and Alhamdulillah I managed to answer them. Thinking of Maryam and Aida, I decided to tell the lecturer that they were a little bit late. And the lecturer said "OK!!" Alhamdulillah..

After having the guilty feeling for quite a long minutes.. Really!! I felt a minute like an hour!! at last, the two of my friends entered the door of the lab. And at that time I really wanted to say Sorry..Sorry and Sorry...!!!!! And thank you..!! Really appreciate the two of you as my friends.. Insyaallah..

Moral: If Allah wants something to happen it will happen. You know what? The lab coat was actually on the place where i always put my things there if i want to bring it along with me. But, somehow I forgot it today..!! And i know there is HIS blessings behind all of this.

-I am more appreciative of my friends

-I made new friend which means I was building a new ukhuwwah
-I will become more responsible and careful next time.. Insyaallah..


Saturday, November 1, 2008

Bebaskan Dirimu..!!

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

Sudah lama blog ini tidak diupdate kan?? Sebelum ini, penulis menghadapi imtihan pertamanya untuk semester pertama di Jordan. Insyaallah, penulis sudah berusaha yang terbaik dan Insyaallah, keputusannya juga Allah bagi yang terbaik..

Ok, kita pergi kepada tajuk utama kita pada kali ini. 'BEBAS' Apa yang muncul di fikiran anda apabila membaca perkataan ini?? Bebas dari apa?? Bebas dari peperiksaan?? Hurmm kehidupan sebagai seorang pelajar tidak akan lari dari perkataan peperiksaan. Mungkin bebas sebentar atau dalam kata lain, 'rehat sekejap'. Ya, itu lebih tepat mungkin. Habis, bebas dari apa?? Bebas dari penjajahan? Yup..!! Kebebasan dari aspek ini amatlah penting. Alhamdulillah, Malaysia sudah menikmati kebebasan dari penjajahan secara fizikal selama 51 tahun. Tapi, tidak dari segi penjajahan mental. Masih dan makin berleluasa. Tapi, bukan itu yang ingin kutulis hari ini. Hurmm bebas dari apa ya??

'Apsal ko nak geram?? Dia bukan buat ape pon kat ko..'
'Yelaa.. Eisyh.. Hurrmm entahlaa..'
'Apa yang sebabkan ko geram kat dia? ha? Cuba cakap..'
'Hurrmm aku tau.. ko.. jealous kan??'
'Erkk.. aku jealous?? Ye ke?? Kalau tak jealous, sebab apa lagi? Hurmm.. '
'Dah laa.. tu kan rezeki dia. Rilexlaa.. Cool.. Jangan macam nie. Allah dah bagi yang terbaik untukmu. Lagipun, ko tak rasa ke yang kalau ko biar aku macam nie, aku lagi sakit dan rimas..Dah, bebaskan aku dari belenggu amarahmu. Biar tenang segala-galanya.. Insyaallah..'
-Gelodak hati seorang insan-

Ya Allah ampunkanlah kami dan saudara2 kami yang mendahului kami dalam iman dan janganlah kau jadikan dalam hati kami perasaan hasad dengki dan dendam terhadap org2 yang beriman. Sesungguhnya Engkau maha melimpahkan belas kasihan dan rahmat. Ameen..


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Fingers = People ??

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

"How's the people in Jordan?"
"Ermm.. Some of them are very kind, some of them are in the middle and... Sorry to say that some of them are not very good.."
"It's alright. I understand. You know what.. My sis said that people are like our fingers. Look. All the five fingers are not the same right??

I nodded and gave a smile agreed with her point.
This is the conversation between my new friend, Baraah and I when we met about three days ago.

People Resemble Our Fingers

All fingers are different with each other. So do the people. Not all people are bad and not all people are kind. So, when we meet people that are very kind to us, appericiate them. If we meet bad people, let say in their manner just remind yourself not to do the same manner. If it is a weird stranger, just be careful by taking some precautions for the sake of our safety.

Don't Judge a Book by Its Cover

The appearances, deeds and etc may affect your judgement about someone. Maybe when you met someone in the past with the same.. ermm.. let say the way of walking and she was not very friendly, and then at the other time you met the different person with the same type of walking, you might set in your mind that the person was also not very friendly.

Another example, when you met a person who rarely smiles, you would think that he or she is an arrogant person.

Don't let your mind to think like that. Free your mind from having bad impressions about someone.

For the first example, remember that different person will have at least a different in him or herself. Maybe only the way of walking is the same but the second person you met might be a friendly person.

For the second one, try to be positive. Maybe the person was in stress because of having too many exams or problems or anything that made he or she rarely smiles.

Set your mind to be a positive thinker..!!


Sunday, October 5, 2008

Raya..!! Raya..!!

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

Ada org kata.. kalau buat post dalam english, die x de feel sangat sebab agak susah nak keluar perkataan yg betul2 kena dgn kehendak ayat. Except if the person is very good in english. Bila fikir2 balik, memang betul pon sebenarnya. Lagi satu, pembaca or the readers from Malaysia macam lebih bersemangat la nak baca kalau post tu ditulis dalam bahasa melayu. Kalau macam tu, kenapa tulis dalam English ek?? Sebab.. nak improve English laa.. tu salah satu sebab utama. Sebab yg lain.. mana la tau ada kawan dari bangsa lain nak baca ke.. kalau dalam english, even broken english, maybe diorang faham laa sikit2.. haha.. perasan.. ('=_=). Hurmm.. dah lama berfikir.. eyh x de la lama sangat.. akhirnya penulis buat keputusan buat selang seli. Lepas english, melayu dan sebaliknya..

Okeyh, kita pergi kepada tajuk sebenar.. Raya..!!

Malam itu, takbir raya bergema di seluruh pelosok negara Jordan menandakan esok adalah hari raya. Takbir yg sedang bergema itu lain sedikit dari kebiasaan yang selalu didengar oleh rakyat Malaysia. Takbir yg dilaungkan tiada alunan sayu tiada alunan merdu. Takbirnya biasa sahaja namun dapat dihayati sepenuhnya oleh sesiapa yang memahami.. Namun begitu, seusai solat isyak, terdengar takbir seolah2 kami berada di Malaysia. "Bio betul.. ooo patutlaa.. Budak2 Melayu pulak yg bertakbir.. bagus2!!" Sayu terasa. Teringat ketika takbir beralun di kampung.. Teringat dulu2 bersama2 nenek membuat ketupat palas.. Teringat ummi n mak teh n mak ngah sibuk2 rebus nasi himpit. Teringat...macam2 laa.. Huhu..

Tapi, x lama pon mengenang nostalgia lalu. Lepas beberapa minit, penulis dan housematenya (Zulaikha, kak piya n kak faez) sibuk dalam suasana memasak. Kalau dulu, tolong2 je.. Sekarang, kena buat sendiri.. Kalau dulu ummi yg fikir nak masak apa.. sekarang kena fikir sendiri.. Huhu.. Memang belajar berdikari laa.. Nak tau kami masak apa?? Firstly, menu utama mee hoon goreng -masakan kak faez and roti jala -masakan kak piya. Dessert: puding roti -penulis try buat. Alhamdulillah, jadi2.. hehe.. Dan yg paling istimewa sebab jarang dibuat orang even orang2 kat Malaysia pon jarang buat..(yelaa.. dah ada.. buat pe susah2 buat..) that is SATE..!! -Zulaikha n kak faez potong n cucuk daging. -sama2 bakar n kipas: yg paling hebat mengipas kak faez n penulis sampai x de 'ENERGY' n sakit tangan.. Fuhh!! Cayalaa..!!

Mee hoon n roti jala..

Puding roti


Malam tu jugak syabab Malaysia dipecahkan kepada beberapa kumpulan untuk bertakbir di rumah2 akhawat -takbir versi Malaysia ye..! hehe.. Ada yang bagus. tapi dengar cerita ada jugak yg x hafal.. hakhak.. x pe x pe.. faham.. setahun sekali kan..

Hurmm memang x tidur malam la siapkan persiapan2 untuk raya malam tu. Semangat x?? Hehe.. Esoknya, macam kat Malaysia pakai baju raya.. pakai wangi2.. lawa2.. pergi solat raya. Budak Malaysia conquer masjid.. haha..

Then, sambung balik buat kerja2 dapur and kemas2.. Dalam lepas zohor, tetamu first datang. Iaitu Kak Ahiyasah and da geng..!! Tetamu2 first nie buat r&r kat rumah penulis.. Penat sangat beraya kot.. Hehe.. Tetamu datang berderu-deru lepas asar. Penat sangat melayan. kak faez n kak piya sibuk kat dapur masak makanan tambahan. Zulaikha sibuk cuci pinggan. Huhu.. Sampai la maghrib baru tetamu2 beransur-ansur pulang..

Wah..!! It's the time for us pulak nak beraya..!! First pergi rumah kak lina and da geng. Second, rumah kak Robe'ah n da geng. Third, rumah kak Ahiyasah and da geng. Kami collapse di situ.. Huhu.. (Tidur rumah kak ahiyasah. Bukan setakat r&r.. buat macam kampung sendiri siap.. hehe.. thanx kak..)

Second day patutnya pergi MSD. tapi penulis and housemates x pergi sebab penat sangat.. Alaa.. x pe x rugi pon sebab kitorg buat sate jugak.. hehe.. lagipon MSD tu sempit + ramai sangat orang + pernah je makanan x cukup.. huhu.. Tapi tahun nie cukup kot..

Hurmm.. amacam?? Seronok x baca suasana beraya kat Jordan?? huhu.. Okeylaa.. Cuma, iyelaa.. bukan beraya dgn family laa.. huhu.. x pe x pe.. tahun depan nak balik.. Raya kat Malaysia..!!!


Friday, October 3, 2008

I Was Impressed..!!

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

Firstly, I would like to wish all Muslims Happy Eid Mubarak..!! "Kullu 'am wa antum bikhair.." Before I write about hari raya in Jordan, I would like to tell about what did the Urdunians do during Ramadhan that really made me feel respect with them.

The things that really impressed me were:-
  • all the restaurants were closed from the morning till the time of break fast. No even one of them were eating or drinking. Not even the non-muslims. I don't know if there were any because it's difficult to be found except once, in the University. Maybe they feel really thirsty after walking from a building to another at that time. However, that was only once rather than in Malaysia. Huhu.. One more thing, here if it was the time for solat Jumaat, ALL the shops will be closed and they will open back after the prayer. Look!! How they really respect the Jumaat prayer time.
  • Many of them were with Qur'an wherever they go. Even though he is only a guard..!! (terharu n insaf sangat!!) If they are taxi drivers, many of them will listen to Qur'an al kareem rather than other songs. Try to compare it with Malaysians.. Huhu.. Don't have to give the answers because all of us know it right??
  • Then, during tarawih the masjid was always full especially the last ten days of Ramadhan. We always have to rush to the masjid at that time. If not, there would be no place for us. On 27th Ramadhan, they believe that it was a lailatul qadr. So, at that night the masjid was very full till a few of them had to pray outside. Wow!! They really wanted the 'pahala' for that night..!! How was Malaysians?? Where are they on the last ten days? Huhu..

Okay, now we move to the hari raya part.. No. To be more arranged I will post on the another new post. Insyaallah..


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Betul ke nie??

Post kali ini adalah dalam versi Melayu.. Kenapa?? Entah.. Maybe penulis nie rindu kat MALAYSIA kot.. huhu.. Seriously, rindu.. Especially kat bilik tidurku.. Oh, MALAYSIA tanah airku!! Haha.. Sejak bila jadi patriotik nie??

Ada satu kisah sebenarnya. Kisah nie tak taula boleh percaya ke x.. Ikut org yg membaca la nak percaya ke x nak. "Apa yg penting?? Kerjasama..!!" haha.. x delah.. k, kite truskan dgn kisah tu ye.. Bersedia.. Ready.. 1..2...3...action!!

Malam tu, penulis dan housematesnya (Zulaikha, kak Piya, kak Lieya n kak Ziela) pergi ke rumah kak Ain, kak Idayu n kak Noni atau rumah mereka lebih dikenali dgn nama hamra'.. utk melaksanakan Qiamullail.. Tapi..!! penulis dan kawan penulis..iaitu Zulaikha x bangun pon mlm tu.. sedar2 rupenya dah nak sahur.. Boleh je solat lagi time nie.. So, solat la 2 rakaat.. pastu sahur sama2.. Lepas subuh, kami bermalas2 lagi atas tilam kak idayu.. Malas tul nak balik rumah time tu.. alih2 ada tafaqquh rupenya pagi tu.. Dalam pukul 8 tu penulis n teman sebayanya nak balik rumah.. nak bersiap. Tapi..!! x jadi.. tau sebab ape?? Kunci x de!! Adooii!! kne tunggu kak Lieya or kak Ziela balik.. Naik la atas balik pergi rumah hamra' tadi.. Yg peliknya.. apesal tah.. x sampai2.. "Bio btol nie zul..!! Camne nie??" Zulaikha hanya menggeleng. 'X pe x pe rilex..' penulis menenangkan rentak jantung yg dah mula lain macam. Tiba2..Zulaikha atau nama nicknya, Zul, menolak satu pintu yg x berkunci. Ingatkan dah jumpe rumah hamra'. Rupa2nya... Eyh.. apesal mcm lain je nie?? Mereka menggonyoh2 mata yg tidak gatal. Zul dgn selambanya melangkah masuk ke dalam. Penulis apelagi.. ikut jejak laa.. Tup2.. jumpe kak Ziela, kak Lieya n kak Piya kat situ.. "Nielah Amman.. Selamat dtg ke Amman..!!" Kak Ziela bersuara. 'Pelik btul.. macam pintu Doraemon la pulak. Ermm x pela.. ikut saja..!!' cetus suara hati penulis ketika itu.

First, mereka ke Mecca Mall yg amat famous di Jordan tu.. kak Ziela kata die teringin sangat nak makan masakan cine kat situ.. Teringin sgt2.. Melebihi org yg mengidam!! haha.. Anyway, x pela.. ikut je.. Sementara tunggu utk berbuka, mereka fikir baik pergi shopping dulu alang2 dah ada kat Amman nie.. Sebelum tu, pergi solat dulu. Bagus x shopping complex kat sini.. ada azan.. bagus kan?? Yg peliknya..Mecca Mall nie sunyi je time tu.. x ramai org.. beza sgt dgn K.Lumpur.. kakak2 tu kata maybe sebab bulan puasa kot.. Ermm x pela lagi bagus.. x de kena bersesak2.. Tapi..!! Seusai sahaja habis mewindow shopping kat satu kedai cendermata nie.. eyh, x habis lagi pon sebenarnya.. kena halau sebab die nak tutup kedai dah. Padahal waktu tu baru pukul 5ptg x silap. Ermm x pela pergi kedai lainlah.. Tup2.. kedai2 lain pon mengikut langkah yg sama.. Kesian.. Sedih je.. Kedai buku pon tutup. Alih2 mereka tunggu la utk bukak puasa kat salah satu restoran yg ada kat situ..

Penulis n kak Lieya pesan spagetti. Zul pesan burger. kak Piya pesan roti pizza yg x mcm pizza. Isi die kat dalam. Pelik skit pizza die. Nama die bkn pizza rasanya. Ape bende tah. Lastly, kak Ziela.... die pada mulanya..setia menunggu restoran yg ada masakan cina tu buka..tapi x buka2.. akhirnya memilih nasi ape tah.. agak banyak yg akhirnya x mampu dihabiskan olehnya.. Kesian..nasi itu mesti menangis mengenangkan nasib dirinya yg akan dibuang begitu sahaja.. Penulis digelar sebagai heroin kerana berjaya mghabiskan spagettinya yg agak banyak dan agak kureng rasanya. Kak lieya telah cuba sedaya mungkin..namun tidak berjaya mghabiskan spagettinya. kak piya x aci sebab die minta untuk tapau..atau dlm arabicnya safari. Zul pulak..igtkan habis..tapi x habis juga.. Dia tapau jugak tapi tapau daging burger tu je. Roti tinggal.. huhu.. Muak katanya..

Then, mereka pergi main bowling pulak. Satu game 3 dinar kot. Blurr je igtan waktu tu. Beli 3 game kot. mainla utk 5 org.. huhu.. X de yg strike pon. Bnyk msk longkang.. haha.. pengalaman pertama penulis main bowling. Kat Amman tu.. jgn main2.. Tapi, boleh tahan gakla.. Pemain terhebat waktu tu kak lieya kot. Tengah syok2 main tu, air yg ditapau skali tadi tumpah.. alamak!! mcmana nie?? klu kat Malaysia mesti dah kena marah. Apalah org Arab tu kata. Bajet nak sorokla.. tapi kantoi gak.. Segan je.. org arab tu bawa kain lap siap. Apela yg die kata ek?? Entah2 die kata 'Dahla main pon asyik masuk longkang. Buat tumpah air plak dah.. Eisy dak2 nih..' huhu.. Entah btol entah idok..

Abis main bowling, nak kne cari hotel tuk solat n tidur semalaman sebab dah mlm sgt kot waktu tu. Pergila ke 'Abdali.. Tau kenapa?? sebab dgr2 kat situ ada hotel murah.. dalam 8 dinar je. Sampai hotel yg diperkatakan itu, mereka semua terkezut!! x kan la 8 dinar je mcm nie?? agak mewah.. dah amat murah kalau btul harganya 8 dinar untuk semalaman. Tanya2 kat kaunter.... mak oooii!! bukan 8 dinar.. bukan 5 dinar.. bukan 1 dinar.. tapi..!! plg murah.. 70 dinar tu pon utk seorg ke dua org.. blurr.. x ingat.. x pasti.. Aduhh!! mcmana nie.. Alih2.. cari hotel lain dekat2 situ.. Masuklah satu hotel nie.. Erk.. bukan hotel kot.. motel rasanya.. murah mmg murah.. dalam 5 ke 8 dinar. Tapi..!! Ya Allah!! mengerikan n menakutkan n... mcm2 laa.. x sanggup rasanya.. akhirnya, kembali semula ke hotel yg agak mahal tadi.. bkn agak mahal.. mmg mahal!! Tanyalaa.. klu 5 org nak duduk satu bilik boleh x?? Dia x bagi.. rayu2.. dapatla satu bilik 5 org harga 110 JOD.. mak oooiii!! adooiii!! mcmane nie?? Bincang2.. buat keputusan rayu lagi. Minta x yah sahur.. rupanya sahur tu percuma je pon.. huhu.. Time pergi tgk bilik.. kak Lieya dgn mengumpulkan sisa2 kekuatan yg ada.. tanya kat org arab tu.. "fi musolla?? Mumkin nom fi musolla..??" org arab tu trus terkezut.. bawala mereka nie ke kaunter semula. Dia bagitahu kat teman sekerja dia yg mereka nie nak tidur kat musolla.. 2 Orang arab tu pon bincang2 balik.. Akhirnya, diorg buat keputusan.. bagi penulis n kawan2nya duduk kat dalam satu bilik dgn harga 100JOD.. tanpa pilihan, penulis dan teman2 seperjuangan ketika itu bersetuju utk membayar 20JOD seorang.. ha..!! ada satu waktu tu, ada pelayan bagi minum juice. Zul dgn selambanya bertanya "bibalash??" Betapa takut kalau2 terpaksa keluarkan duit untuk minuman tersebut. Sambil tersenyum dan menahan tawa, pelayan tersebut mengiyakan. haha.. Malam itu, penulis dan yg lain2 menggunakan sepenuhnya bilik yg berharga 100JOD utk semalaman tu. Solat tarawih x ditinggalkan..huhu.. Bajet nak turun sahur.. x nak tidur la konon.. alih2 x terbangun coz semua tertidur.. x pela.. sahur tu percuma.. x de rezeki.. redho2..

Time nak balik ke Irbid tu.. masa naik lif kat hotel, tiba2 je rasa macam nampak kak Idayu tengah tepuk2 bahu penulis.. 'Bile pulak kak Idayu ada nie?' Sedar2 rupe2nye ada kat hamra' lagi.. huhu.. Itulah kisah Amman di dalam dunia fantasi.. Menarik x? Bayangkan kalau benda2 tu btul2 terjadi.. huhu.. Entahlaa.. No comment..!!

p/s: kalau ada tokok tambah.. maafkan ambe neh..!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Was It Rude?? Hurm...

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

Long time no see right?? Huhu.. busy with my classes plus not in mood of writing before this..

It was in arabic class. I came on time on that day. Before this, I had once late for the class because of the bus which we called gonggok. Haha.. weird isn't it? It is not the arabic word. It is malay word which is the name of one species of worms, that is ulat gonggok. The name was given by the seniors becouse of the unique structure of that Germany made bus. Seriously it was really like that ulat gonggok. Right, continue to our main story. When I was late for that first time, Dr. Idtikhar was quite angry. I saw it through her face even though she didn't shout or scream or anything. Just that she gave us a warning for not coming late again. Okay2..we have to walk from the tibb building to handasah building which will take about 5-10 minutes. That is if we walk like we are having jogathon. If we walk with average, then maybe it will take about 15-20 minutes. Imagine how far and fast we have to jog..!! (penat sangat..!!) huhu.. However, I just try to have patience for it. Morever, this can strengthen our stamina through the whole first semester. Do not have to exercise anymore..haha..

Okay, we go to the main point in the story. That day, she was in her good mood. Maybe because all of us was on time. She started teaching about tafseer min soorah al an'am:152-153 in arabic. Some students understood shuaiy2(a little bit) and others were in blurrr..especially students who didn't have any basic in arabic. For the readers information, there was one student from america who even didn't know the huruf hija'iyyah and she is a muslim!! If I was not mistaken.. First, she and her friends who were also in blur didn't tell that they didn't understand. However, after about 10 to 20 minutes they started the drama.. huhu..

This drama may have been editted because of the technical problems..
Student: Dr., are we going to study the al-Qur'an in the whole class??
Dr.: This was just a little bit from it.
Student: We do not understand at all!! Can you give something easier as we are international students!!
Dr.: Ok2..You are Muslim right??
Student: Yeah!! But.......!
Dr.: Okay, if I teach about soorah al fatiha, is there anybody who does not know it?
Student: Yes, maybe this will be more easier..
After a few minutes learning and discussing al fatiha....
Student: Should we learn something like grammatical.. and all stuffs like that?? We even cannot read!! (She tried to read the words on board) Should we?? (buat muke nyampah)
Dr.: Then, how do you know al fatiha?
Student: I just read it by mouth!!
Dr.: Ok2..See me after the class..!!
Students(except malay students and a few arab students): (packing their bag and showing the mnympah face)

Was it rude? Maybe it was their culture to be like that. I mean straight to the point. If they do not understand, then they just raise their hands up. Not like the Malay culture. Very polite..!! Even if there is anything that is not understood, SOME malay students are timid to voice out.. Sometimes, I am like that too. huhu.. But I try to improve it by... maybe see the lecturers after the lectures.. My opinion, there is a polite way to voice out our not understanding. Not meaning that everytime we are not understand, we have to see the lecturers after the class. We can raise our hands up during the lectures but please speak or voice it out politely.

p/s: You know what? Many of JUST lecturers like the politeness of Malay students here!! Keep it up and improve it guys!!


Friday, September 5, 2008

Sumptuous Food in Jordan.. ^_+ n Ahlan Wasahlan ya Ramadhan..!!

Assalamu'alaikum w.b.t.

Firstly, before I go further into the topic, I would like to wish all Muslims over the world 'Ramadhan kareem.. wa kullu antum bikhair.. Insyaallah' (Happy Ramadhan and hopefully you are fine..). There are many tazkirahs written by the bloggers out there. So, just read them and take something from there. Alright?? Anyway, let us try to make this Ramadhan better than the previous Ramadhan Insyaallah..

Next, we go to our main topic.. Hehe.. My advice, read only when u have broken fast.

Ok, the first Urdun or Jordan food that I ate was halawiyyat (dessert) which Jordanians called it as kinafah.. Maybe it was too sweet for someone that didn't like it. But for me, it was just nice. And I like it. huhu.. Here is the picture.

Kinafah.. sedap ooo..

Second was shawarma. There were two types of shawarma which were shawarma 'arabi and shawarma 'adi. Their tastes are same but the way they were fold was different. What a mouth watering shawarma..!!

Shawarma 'arabi

Shawarma 'adi

Third was layalilubnan, also one of the halawiyyat of Jordanians. Given by Kak Ziela and Kak Liya's neighbour who is one of the lecturers at Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST). I like it!!


The last one was Maqlubah. It was rice which was cooked with chicken and some 'rempah'. Maqlubah means 'terbalik' or up side down. This is because after cooking, the position of the chicken which is under the rice was changed up side down so that the chicken was on the top of the rice. Very delicious..!!


Hurmm, wanna have some?? Ahlan wasahlan ilal Urdun!! (Welcome to Jordan!!) Hehe..


Sunday, August 31, 2008

Journey to Middle East..

Assalamu'alaikum w.b.t.

At last, after we had about 15 hours of exhausted journey, we safely arrived at the Amman airport at 9 and a half morning, Jordan time. We met the seniors there and they took us to sakan (hostel). Then, after some briefing, we were taken to the seniors' house and stayyed there for three days. Zulaikha and I was staying at Kak Liya and Kak Ziela's house which is known as Qasrul Balqis (Balqis's Catsle). Below are some pics taken during the journey.

Dubai Airport

Dubai airport chandeliar

Look..!! There was someone sleeping on the carpet.. huhu.. This was at Dubai airport.. There were many people sleeping anywhere they liked. Huhu.. weird isn't it?? The international airport was like that?? Hurmm.. Should the Dubai airport give them special places to let them lay down releasing their tiredness..??

This is the Amman airport.. KLIA is more attractive isn't it?? huhu..

Panoramas during the journey from Amman to Irbid which take about an hour and 10 minutes.What I can conclude from the view along the journey is the theme colour of Jordan is brown. Most of the buildings are brown as they are not painted. Moreover, Jordan is one of the countries that consists mostly of desert. Huhu..
To be continued..

Monday, August 25, 2008

Hikmah Hukuman bagi Orang yg Berzina

Human Immunodificiency Virus

Mengapa Islam menyuruh di sebat 100 kali bagi orang belum berkahwin yang berzina, dan merejam sehingga mati bagi org yg sudah berkahwin yang berzina?

Badan manusia akan mengeluarkan sel-sel darah putih atau antibiotik yg dapat melawan penyakit. Dan sel-sel ini terdapat di daerah tulang belakang, berdekatan dengan sum-sum tulang manusia. Lelaki yang belum berkahwin dia akan dapat mengeluarkan beribu-ribu sel ini, manakala lelaki yang sudah berkahwin hanya dapat menghasilkan 10 unit sel ini sehari, kerana antara sebabnya ialah kerana sel-sel lain akan hilang kerana perhubungan suami isteri.

Jadi apabila lelaki yang belum berkahwin didapati salah kerana zina hendaklah disebat 100 kali. Ini adalah kerana apabila dia disebat di belakangnya, suatu amaran tentang kesakitan itu akan membuatkan penghasilan beribu sel antibiotik yang dapat melawan virus HIV jika ia ada di badannya, dengan itu dapatlah antibodi melawan virus HIV itu.

Tetapi jika lelaki itu sudah berkahwin,walaupun disebat 100 kali ia akan tetap menghasilkan 10 unit antibodi sahaja, jadi dengan itu hukumannya direjam hingga mati agar dia tidak dapat merebakkan virus HIV itu.

Itulah sedikit sebanyak inti syarahan yg disampaikan oleh Dr Jamnul Azhar.

Ana copy paste artikel ini untuk kita sama-sama mengambil iktibar..

Sunday, August 24, 2008

INTEC was crying..!!

Assalamu'alaikum w.b.t.

Hurm.. amazing right..?? Intec was crying during our clearance process out from INTEC. Tears were rolling down the buildings' cheeks heavily. Huhu.. It was like INTEC was very sad with our leave. We had to run in the INTEC's tears and all of us was wet as we didn't bring the umbrella. Huhu.. thank you INTEC for crying because of us..

Thank you very much to the two bus drivers as they were willing to pick and send us during the clearance process from Cemara to INTEC and from INTEC to Cemara. For the readers information, the bus service was off from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. And we wanted the service at that time. After begging the two drivers, our work became easier when the drivers agreed to help us as INTEC was crying heavily at that time. Hehe..

One more thing that we realized was when we entered INTEC, there was not many students and also when we left it. What was the meaning?? haha.. my friends said that it means that INTEC was ours.. haha.. Erm.. lastly, proud being part of INTEC even though it was only about 3 months.. We will miss INTEC..!! huhu..


Program Jejak Gemilang

Several of ex-Hamidians students..

This program has been done for the first time at Dewan Tun syed nasir, Menara DBP. All MARA students who will go abroad this year has been gathered and we was motivated by many famous people. One of them was Dato' Noh Omar. All of MARA MEP students of INTEC was really exhausted as we slept late yesterday because of the grand dinner. Then, because of that, not all speech given was listened carefully. huhu.. (biasalerr.. kadang2 ada jugak terlelap). What I like about this programme is I could meet my friends from UKM and IKIP which will be studying medicine in Egypt. Huhu.. We talked about many stuff.

Last moments at INTEC 2..

14 August
Graduation day. Haven't finished our chemistry paper yet. huhu.. We graduated with the Russia and International students. MEP presented smooth melodious nasyid. Leaded by Tuan Mohammad Akmal. Active and cheerful Russia students presented their Russian song. (x paham pon..)..

15 August
Grand Dinner MEP. Just had finished the final exam test for the Jordan students. We was having dinner at Kelab al-Ehsan, Shah Alam. Started quite late and all of us ate at about 10 p.m. haha.. very hungry at that time. I filled my plate with sumptuous food with the quantity which I never had before. (banyak sangat).. huu.. However, at that night I got weird stomach because I could finish all the food I took. And I didn't feel like 'sebu'.. huhu.. (lapar sgt nie..) I was hungry since the class finishd at 4 p.m. and until that 10 p.m. my stomach still didn't get any food. Oh, poor my stomach..! huhu.. Quite fun that night but still felt something which.... erm.. don't know how to describe. The feeling was like argghh.. something weird. Something which had brought my mood down. I don't know what and I don't know why. Maybe it was because i knew it was the last moment of us together with our lecturers and our friends who will go studying in Egypt. Huhu.. Here are some pics at that awesome grand dinner..
With Ijan.. on da way to kelab al-Ehsan..

Theme grand dinner MEP: Jubah
Miss Diana n Miss Jasmin

3 Izzahs among MEPs.. huhu..

All Jordanian girls..

My Classmates

Nasyid performance

Gift for lecturers

Gift for us..(students)