Assalamu'alaikum w.b.t.
Yesterday, there was an event in Taman Sri Kenari that is the place where i live. The event was named 'Tamanku Syurgaku' if i'm not mistaken. The programme started at 8.00 o'clock. However, i didn't join the programme at that early because I was not in mood to join it. From my siblings, they said that as usual, there was quite a number of stalls selling many choices of food. Also, clothes and others. Besides that, there was also two horses to be rode for RM 5 per ride. Erm, quite cheaper i think. My father, youngest sister and younger brother took the chance to ride the horses. Actually, i was quite jealous with them. But i didn't want to go for the ride coz arh.. i would get attention of many people..haha (perasan!!).
The most thing that annoyed me was.. the burgers bought by 'mak cik' was excessive burnt (hangus!!) haizzz.. (geram sangat) and i didn't eat the burger of mine. Wanna know who sold these burgers?? He is one of the ex-maahad, from 5 ghaza.. n he is my neighbour!! Huh!!
Okay, we come back to the activity of the programme at night. Yesterday night, there was a speech on 60 years NAKBA of Palestine by Dr. Mohd. Hafidzi bin Mohd. Nor (sorry, klu salah eja..) Erm.. what is nakba?? nakba is an arabic word which means suffering. Dr. said that on 15 Mei 1948 was the starting of War of Independence claimed by Israel on certain part of Palestine. And from that day, the Palestinians were suffering until now. And the suffering was more worse since 2006 as Israel had widened their region until the Masjidil Aqsa mosque was included in theirs. And now, Semenanjung Gaza is suffering from the shortage of water, electricity, food, medicines and their basics for lives. This is because Israel had blocked all their needs. What a cruel!! Huh!!
Dr. Hafidzi also told us that they had asked the Palestinians about the help or favour which they may need. And You know what their answer? At first, i thought maybe they wanted us to pray for them. However, it was different. They wanted us to educate our muslim future generations in order to replace them if they were gone. Huh!! i only smiled (dgn sinis) as i know, how are the Malaysians now especially the muslim teenagers. Where are they during prayer time? Where are they during the midnight? Are they on praying mat in mosque or enjoy clubbing in sinful places.. huh!! very2 disappointed!! You know right where the most of them? huhu.. Please, think about it deeply and try to improve ourselves in our lives as a muslim who had been hoped by all muslims in the world. Hopefully, one of us will become one more Salahuddin al-Ayyubi or maybe one more Muhammad al-Fateh in future. Insyaalah.. Together we unite in the name of Islam because of ALLAH..!!
mohd hafidzi?ayah odi ke izzah?huhu~itu je yg nuha tumpukn!ad0i la nuha neyh!izah ingt x odi sape?
mestila.. ingat yg teramat..!! die ada pon semalam..huhu.. nuha2.. kite masih ingat peristiwa itu.. hakhak..
ASSALAMUA'LAIKUM ya uhti,em tu la hakikat remaja zaman skang.most of them hidup hari ini without thinking their tomorrow.yes it is true dat there might not b tomorrow.but how if there is tomorrow.wat i mean here is dat do u agree if i said dat we actually determine our next generation ,i mean how we want them ( the next generation)to be.wat i am trying to say here is klu diri kite ni xbaik like mcm xblaja btul2 xsukses xmantap pegangan r we going to mlahirkn generasi2 atau pon anak2 yg baik akhlaknye,pandai,kuat imannye jugak.we hav to b a gud role model to them.itu la masalah remaja nowadays.dorg x fikir ape impact kgiatan dorg kpd themselves,their country ,their religion n in fact their own kids in the future.they have never thought of dat.most of them hidup hanye utk berseronok menghabiskn zaman remaja r being teenagers it only come once in a life time.tu pendpt most of dorg xsedar tujuan djadikan remaja.peranan nye sgt besar.nway there is an english quote saying "Life today as though you'd die tomorrow, but plan your life as though you'd live forever."-nasihat dtujukn kpd sume org n my own self.if i m wrong please correct me izah...
WA'ALAIKUMUSSALAM.. yeah.. u r right fana.. mmg camtu.. kebanyakan remaja kini hanya fikir utk berseronok.. u know what?? in Islam, there is no word like teenager or 'remaja'. the word that Islam uses is pemuda or pemudi. In arabic, syabab n fatayat. This is because through this word, they only think it is the time to have fun. penah dgr x, klu org akan kata.. 'biasala..remaja..' huhu.. But, it is not the main reason actually. It is only a word. If we really look into our real mission in life, then we will not think only for having fun. It is not a fault to enjoy our life. However, it should not be excessive.
yup.i ve heard there's no such word like remaja.ustazah aziah penah dgr x xpasti la ni ayat quran ke hadis ke..sumthing like dis la.."BARANGSIAPA YG MEMELIHARA WAKTU REMAJANYE NESCAYA ALLAH AKAN MEREMAJAKNNYE SMULA"rase nye ustzah gak xpasti lak sumber nye.
Snanye..bkn remaja tuh.. muda.. huhu.. kan act it is in arabic language..huhu..
peristiwa ape izzah?ad0i..c0mment kt ma blog ye..hee~
new post about cg nuar in my blog...
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