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Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Al-Aminians..! Remember this book?? heheh..

The first time i heard the word izzah of course since i was a child. It is becoz izzah is my name. Heheh.. However, the first time i learned bout it is when i was in year 6. It was in the akhlak syllabus. At that time, i was very2 eager to learn the topic, as it was related to my name and i felt very proud as my name would be learned by all of my classmates. Hehe.. what a childish of me at that time. i still remembered that Mu'allim Zulkifli was teaching the topic and he was relating my name to the topic. haha..What a proud for whom named izzah in the class at that time..

Okey, those are only the intro..huhu.. what is izzah actually?? n why it is in the syllabus of the akhlak subject? Izzah means the feeling of proud to be a muslim and to practice the syari'at.. i know that many of us do not know, even their name is not izzah, they have to have izzah in themselves as muslims. Why izzah is very important in a muslim life? It is becoz if there is no izzah, then, the muslim will be ashamed to practice what have being asked by ALLAH n HIS prophet Muhammad s.a.w. Nowadays, as i observed the muslims.. it is very sad n disappointed. Everywhere people is influenced by the hedonism. Only a few, muslims that realize their responsibilities of their lives.

Let us observe the teenage muslims especially in developed town, for example K. Lumpur. They have no shame to enter the disco or join the clubbing. No shame for them to dance with many girls and drink that haram drink. On the contrary, they feel proud! Huh! One more thing, if someone wearing something that shows an islamic characteristics.. people will stare at them like they are very weird. Like an alien. Especially for muslimah who is wearing 'tudung labuh'. Actually, it is also my experience. I still remember how people was looking at me when i was lining up at the bus station Kajang to confirm the participation for the national service programme. And at the same time, i still remembered that one of the trainees who was the same camp with me, looked at me upside down then, he said "Wow!".. i don't know if he was making fun of me or what. Then, when i entered the bus that had been prepared for the programme, a trainer, was looking weirdly at me.. huhu.. then, he asked me.. "Awak ni, dari skolah agama ke?" i nodded. (Owh, klu pki macam ni skolah agama je eyh? X tau la plak..) After that, when i reached the MSHC after being in the bus for about ten hours.. haha.. like what i had thought, 'org tgkla..apa lagi..'

Then, after a few weeks, i got the title 'ustazah' as my nickname. Maybe becoz of my 'tudung labuh'. The title is not only famous for the trainees. It is also famous among the trainers. huhu.. At first, i feel like i didn't really like to be titled like that as i feel i'm not really qualified to get the title. However, i couldn't stop people calling me like that. If they didn't know my name, then most of them would use the title. Then, becoz of thinking that the title was not bad right? So, i didn't really care bout it. It was actually a motivation for me to improve myself. Improve myself to be a 'da'i' even my dream is to be a doctor, as duty of being da'i is the responsibility of all muslims.

One story from my friend. One day, she stayed at her friend's house. Then, her friend's mother wanted to take them for a shopping at Shah Alam. Then, at that time, my friend only brought 'tudung labuh'. So, she just wore it as she didn't brought the 'tudung tiga segi' huhu.. When she reached the shopping complex, she became very famous haha.. as many people was looking at her. and she told me that she heard one of the people said "x panas ke??" huhu.. I also had been asked for the same question during i was in MSHC.. huhu.. I only shook my head to left and right (geleng la) haha.. and smiled.

Look people now is looking weird to someone who practicing Islam. Most of them does not have izzah in their soul. However, i know that my sahabat who always support me have this word in them eventhough their names are not izzah..heheh..
and i know there are a few muslims that have this in them. They struggling hard in order to take the public back to the real islamic environment.

Anyway, let us think deeply the hadith below..

Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w. menurut riwayat Imam Ahmad bahawa:

"Islam bermula asing dan ia akan kembali asing. Maka berbahagialah golongan ghuraba' (asing)."
Sahabat-sahabat bertanya baginda:

"Siapakah golongan ghuraba' ya Rasulullah?"

Baginda bersabda:
"Mereka adalah yg memperbaiki keadaan yg dirosakkan manusia."

This is just as a reminder for all muslims including me.. =)


asyfaq said...

speaking bout dis tudung labuh ni actually..ia bkan la isu besar.ia hanya la pakaian kadang2 manusia disekeliling yg xphm ni ske menjd kn isu tudung labuh ni sbg suatu isu besar.knape pakai tudung labuh?nampak serabut la?xrimas ke?xpanas ke?mcm2 la.sampai susah nk jwb.dgn persoalan yg bermcm2 ni menunjukkn as if pakai tudung labuh ni susah sgt complicated sgt.sbenarnye klu keinginnn nk pakai tudung labuh tu dtg nye dr hati yg ikhlas,isu panas ,serabut,nmpk selekeh ke xkn timbul.dorg ni just xrealise ape sebenarnye kpentingan pakai tudung labuh tu.honestly bile pkai tudung labuh ni kn ia sbenarnye mghalang dr kite ni wat mende2 yg xbaik.sbb bile kite nk wat je mende yg x baik mesti akn ter fikir blk nk wat ke xnk.pemakaian tudung labuh n pakain yg mnutup aurat sbenarnye mnjd kn diri ini malu untuk wat mende yg xbaik.kire nye cam ade imej la yg perlu dijaga.kadang2 kn kite penah ter fikir knape la susah sgt nk wt baik ni.sampai pakai tudung labuh pon djdikn suatu isu.paling mengecewakn bile org yg paling dekat dgn kite kate camni kat kite lbey kurg camni la nmpk serabut la xkemas la pakai tudug labuh ni.mcm nk sapu lantai.sdey nye kite tyme tu.mmg rase xde kekuatan .org yg spatutnye phm kite n sokong kite kate camtu kat kite.sdey sgt.rase malu pon ade sbb die kate if cam pkai tudung labuh ni truk sgt.sampai kadang2 tu klu pakai bju kurung pon djd kn suatu isu.nnt ade la yg tanye nape x pakai sluar je.kan lbey leceh aje.saba je bile dgr org kate ALHAMDULILLAH berada bersama2 org yg phm n turut mengamalkn pmakaian tudung labuh ni mnjd kn kite lbih kuat.izah kire ok lg tau sbb dlm kluarga izah pon mak mmg pakai tudung labuh.atleast akn ade org akan sentiase bg sokongan pada izah.mcm mane klu seseorg yg dlm kluargenye mmg xde yg pakai tudung labuh.mcm mane die nk mula pakai tudung labuh tu?mesti mula2 akan rase lemah sgt diri tu.sbb mesti xde sape yg phm keinginn die.kite plak ALHAMDULILLAH kakak kite sentiase jd pendorong buat kite.die jd kekuatan buat kite utk truskn stiap usaha kite.sbb kite ngan die ade cite2 n matlmat yg same.syukur sgt.klu xde die blum tentu kite ade kekuatan nk wat sume ni.sbb die je yg paham ape yg kite wat.mmg betul jika dkatakn kite hanya perlu bergantung pd ALLAH YG ESA .tp kadang2 kite ni sbg manusia biase perlukn juga sokongan dr org2 yg terdekat..syukur sgt bile baru ni ade yg cbe mmpertikaikn nape kite pakai bju kurung,kite dgn rase bangge nye jwb mcm ni" biar la nk pakai ape pon,tu hak sy sbg seorg muslim"...

nima said...

Yeah..betul2.. rasa syukur sgt2 bile keluarga sendiri yg mnggalakkan kite pakai mcm ni.. mmg btul, kite memerlukan sokongan dan dorongan dari keluarga dan kawan. klu tidak, keinginan yg baik tu akan terkubur mcm tu je. Especially bile dihina dan dipandang rendah. But i know, there is certain people that has their mission n even dihina dan dipandang rendah sekali pon, die tetap dgn pendirian dia. Respect oo org camni.. tapi, ye.. sebagai manusia biasa.. amat2 memerlukan sokongan dlm melakukan sesuatu. klu x, die akan rasa lemah. dlm masa rasa lemah tu, kite berbalik semula kpd ALLAH. Insyaallah, akan diberi kekuatan. Do'a bebanyak. Insyaallah, org yg dulu x mnyokong akan terbuka hati utk memberi sokongan dan sama2 memperjuangkan Islam. Akhir sekali, ingatlah dalam ape jua keadaan pon, kita amat2 memerlukan kekuatan dari ALLAH kerana DIA sebaik-baik pemberi kekuatan dan klu ALLAH dah bagi kekuatan kat seseorg yg DIA nak.. x mungkin ada yg boleh melemahkan kekuatan tu tanpa keizinanNYA.. Anyway, congrats fana coz dgn beraninya ckp mcm tu.. kdg2 rasa mcm nak tanya je diorg yg ske tenung2 org tuh.. salah ke pki mcm ni? yg die tu x malu ke pki pakaian x tutup aurat mcm tu? x takut ke? tapi, x penah lagila buat mcm tu.. huhu.. penah gak rasa klu x tgur ALLAH akan tanya x time kat akhirat nanti.. haizz.. tanya nape x tgur org2 mcm ni.. nak tgur trus, kne dgn cara berhikmah. knela buat amar makruf nahi mungkar dgn hati je tuk time tu.. huhu.. klu bley rapat sk8 tu bleyla pelan2.. tapi, sampai skrg pon.. haizz.. x berjaya gak.. x pe x pe..kite cume berusaha.. yg mmbuka hati tu kerja ALLAH.. Kesimpulannya, dlm ape2 keadaan sekalipun.. jgn hilang pergantungan kita dgn ALLAH..

asyfaq said...

ye..btul ..ALLAH adalah sebaik2 tempat pergantungan.THE ONE we shud turn to when we need strength...n it is totally true dat ISLAM ni it begins as suatu yg asing n akan berakhir sbg suatu yg asing jugak.but i wonder knape la manusia today behave in such a way...perbuatan yg baik yg dtuntut ALLAH dpandang jelik n kolot je klu pakai bju kurung.tu blum pkai jubah klu perbuatan yg salah n dlarang ALLAH dpandang mcm biase n baik drg klu pakai tudung labuh n bju kurung ni x fashionable la.Tp jika kite fikir kan blk.ape sebenar nye tujuan kite pakai tudung labuh n pakaian mnutup aurat ni?adakah ALLAH suruh supaya kite bergaya,nmpk moden?of course not.pakaian yg mnutup aurat tu asalnye adalh sbg people nowadays they look more towards being fashionable ,uptodate n wat so ever.without knowing dat if we really ikut yg mcm mane ALLAH asks us to do,wearing tudung labuh n pakaian yg mnutup aurat actually it makes u feel more secure n calm .calm bcoz kite tlh mlaksanakn perintah izah dah bc lum mail yg kite bg tu.yg dosa mnutup aurat tu.huhuh.mnutup aurat pon dosa kn?emmm.manusia d akhir zaman makin lame makin lari jauh dr tuntutan ISLAM yg actual.knape la dorg ni?sdey apakn daya diri ni.blum ade authority lg nk mengubah.recently bnyk sgt fashion nye muslimah.spatutnye mengikut la garis panduan name je muslimah tp scarf xcover me dis matter as a matter of fact gives a bad impression n imej regarding islam.yela lets visualize if org yg kurang arif regarding part mane yg nak dtutup ni,bile tgk the-so-called-fashion-muslimah tu,mesti dorg got the idea dat oo fashion muslimah ni actually mcm tu.nmpk leher,dada n so on...nway kecewa i too emotional regarding dis matter?cume the point is i really dun understand nape masyarakat arini camtu.n knape there is stil no one yg nk bangkit isu fashion muslimah ni.sbb yg dlm tv n surat khabar yg kite tgk slalu tu bkan fashion muslimah.dkata kn muslimah just bcoz they cover their hair.dats all.izzah i just hope dat we shall hav the same mission.please do correct me if i was mistaken.

nima said...

Insyaallah, we have the same mission.. our main mission in life course 'ubudiyyah.. then, from 'ubudiyyah, we go further to the public in order to make them back to the true Islam. Not the Islam that has been changed by the people according to what they want and like. and at the same time, we'll improve ourselves in increasing our iman by gaining more knowledge.. No, fana.. you r not too emotional. even if u r too emotional, it is sumtg that should be.. becoz it is our responsibilities even though it is quite hard and we have to face many challenges. However, trust me that ALLAH will always be with whom struggling to strengthen Islam as deenullah fil'alam..

SarahA said...

owh cik izzah...
simpan agy buku tu yer...hehe~
pndai izzah speaking...^_^

nima said...

simpan la..
sebab ada nama seniri..
try2 jela..
x pndi mana pon..
sarah pon try2 la..
sonok gak kkdg..

SarahA said...

i'm just wondering where i put tht book..huhuhu~
da jual kot..hehe...
btl la best speking...nnty blh r blaja speaking ngn izzah ek..heee

nima said...

blaja sama2 la..
kite pon try2 je nih..
bkn pndi sgt speaking..