Monday, May 19, 2008
Nuha's tag
Here it comes..
5 presents that i want?
-exclusive car
-big amount of money
-hand phone
-lap top
-camera (yg lama sudah rosak ma..)
5 impressions to the one I admire?
(there are more actually. However, the most i admire is of course our prophet Muhammad s.a.w. His attitude and behaviors has been impressed many people..!!)
5 greatest inventions?
-stethoscope (hakhak bajet nih..)
-microscope (nih pon.. hakhak)
-lap top
-wireless internet ~ connecting people..
5 most hated:
erm..what arh??
-ha..! banana that had been pressed and squeezed by the boys which were the same group with me during the orientation week in INTEC. It was the explore race time. and at that time, the girls had to eat all the bananas that were squeezed by hands of the boys without washing their hands first..!! (kakak yg jaga checkpoint tu x bagi pon kalau ada yg nak basuh..). uweekk!! x lalu nak makan tau x.. when i see the banana in the bowl, i wanted to puke. errr.. yakk!! fobia nak makan pisang lenyek.. heeeeee...!!! sorry friends, all of you had to finish it up. i really being hesitate becoz i didn't even touch it. Seriously, i couldn't even look at the squeezed , soft, watered, moist banana.. ueeeuuuuu...!!! really2 hate it..!!
-in the situation of dilemma.. (fana, ingat x..kite dilema pasal ape?? hakhak)
-failed in something
-waiting..!! really2 hate it. why most of the Malaysians cannot be punctual ek?? erm..
who i wanna tag?
sape ek??
erm, tu jela..
okeyh.. beres..!!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Are You Angry..??
Dunia hari ini diwarnai dengan pergaduhan dan peperangan. Sama ada peperangan antara bangsa, negara, agama, etnik, suku kaum, bahkan berlaku juga peperangan antara anak-beranak dan kaum keluarga.
Kenapa semua ini berlaku? Jawapannya tidak lain, kerana manusia hari ini terlalu mengikut perasaan marah yang bermaharajalela dalam diri mereka. Perasaan marah yang sememangnya dibekalkan oleh Allah dalam diri setiap manusia, sekiranya tidak dikawal bahkan dibiarkan menguasai diri, akan membawa kepada kebinasaan sama ada kepada individu yang sedang marah itu, atau kepada orang lain atau benda-benda lain yang ada di sekelilingnya.
Dari perspektif Islam, kita harus menerima bahawa marah adalah sifat semula jadi atau fitrah setiap manusia. Sewaktu Allah mencipta Nabi Adam a.s, para malaikat mengetahui bahawa dengan sifat marah yang dibekalkan itu, manusia akan berbuat kerosakan di muka bumi. Perkara ini termaktub di dalam al-Quran, “Dan (ingatlah) ketika Tuhanmu berfirman kepada malaikat: Sesungguhnya Aku hendak menjadikan seorang khalifah di bumi. Mereka bertanya (tentang hikmat ketetapan Tuhan itu dengan berkata): Adakah Engkau (Ya Tuhan kami) hendak menjadikan di bumi itu orang yang akan membuat bencana dan menumpahkan darah (berbunuh-bunuhan), padahal kami sentiasa bertasbih dengan memuji-Mu dan mensucikan-Mu? Tuhan berfirman: Sesungguhnya Aku mengetahui akan apa yang kamu tidak mengetahuinya.”
Sudah pastilah setiap kejadian Allah itu mempunyai hikmah di sebaliknya. Di samping membekalkan sifat marah, Allah turut membekalkan beberapa mekanisme perlindungan supaya manusia dapat menahan diri atau melindungi diri daripada sifat marah yang membawa kepada kebinasaan.
Sifat marah membezakan manusia dengan binatang. Apabila seekor singa atau serigala menjadi marah, ia akan bertindak tanpa berfikir. Sebaliknya, manusia dibekalkan akal fikiran, maka manusia boleh memilih sama ada bertindak menggunakan akal fikiran atau bertindak membuta tuli sama seperti seekor binatang.
Kemarahan yang tidak dikawal, memberi impak yang cukup besar dalam kehidupan harian seseorang itu. Ia memisahkan ibu dan anak, merenggangkan persahabatan, menjauhkan keadilan, membawa kepada kemurungan dan kekecewaan, membawa kepada kegilaan dan akhirnya membawa kepada penyesalan yang tidak terhingga.
Sekiranya kemarahan menguasai kelompok atau jumlah individu yang ramai, maka kemusnahan yang akan terjadi jauh lebih besar skalanya. Ia menyebabkan peperangan sehingga memusnahkan sebuah bandar, bahkan sebuah negara, bangsa dan sebuah tamadun.
Mengekang Kemarahan
Keinginan semula jadi yang dipenuhi, akan dapat mengelakkan rasa marah. Misalnya keinginan kepada makanan, minuman, tempat tinggal, kasih sayang, seks dan banyak lagi.
Dalam tubuh manusia, terdapat beberapa jenis hormon yang mempengaruhi mood atau perasaan seseorang itu. Kajian saintifik menunjukkan keadaan hypoglycemia dan hyperthyroidisme boleh membuatkan seseorang itu berasa marah. Bagi mengelakkan keadaan ini, maka seseorang itu hendaklah memastikan kadar hormon di dalam tubuhnya sentiasa seimbang dengan cara menjaga kesihatan tubuh badannya.
Nabi s.a.w. tidak pernah menunjukkan kemarahan baginda terhadap golongan kafir Quraisy yang sentiasa bertindak di luar batasan terhadap kaum Muslimin. Bahkan, baginda sentiasa bercakap dengan lemah lembut dan penuh hikmah. Bagaimanakah cara baginda mengawal kemarahan?
Suatu ketika seorang sahabat meminta nasihat daripada baginda, lalu kata Nabi, “Janganlah kamu marah.” Sahabat yang lain pula bertanya, “Apakah yang dapat menyelamatkan daku daripada kemurkaan Allah?” Maka jawab Nabi: “Jangan tunjukkan kemarahan kamu.” Sahabat lain pula meminta satu amalan kebaikan yang mudah untuk dilakukan, maka kata Nabi, “Janganlah marah.”
Suatu ketika, baginda bertanya kepada para sahabat. “Siapakah orang yang paling kuat di kalangan kamu?” Maka para sahabat memberi berbagai-bagai jawapan. Rasulullah s.a.w. lalu berkata, “Bukanlah orang yang kuat itu dengan banyaknya berperang, hanya sanya yang kuat itu orang yang dapat menguasai dirinya ketika marah.”
Sebagai manusia biasa, Nabi juga berasa marah. Namun baginda tidak pernah menunjukkan kemarahan itu dengan lidah atau perbuatannya. Apabila baginda marah, para sahabat mengetahuinya dengan melihat wajah baginda berubah menjadi merah dan peluh menitis di dahinya. Baginda juga akan senyap untuk beberapa bagi mengawal rasa marahnya.
Kemarahan yang Wajar
Seseorang yang tidak mempunyai rasa marah terhadap penindasan, penderaan, ketidakadilan dan salah laku yang berlaku di hadapannya, hakikatnya adalah seorang yang tidak memiliki perasaan. Dengan membiarkan perkara-perkara negatif itu berlaku, maka kejahatan akan berleluasa di muka bumi. Sewajarnya, pada ketika inilah seseorang itu patut marah dengan cara menghentikan kejahatan itu dengan kaedah yang telah digariskan oleh Allah dan ditunjukkan oleh Rasul-Nya.
Bersikap tidak endah terhadap kejahatan dan ketidakadilan, samalah hakikatnya seperti menyumbang ke arah itu.
Kesan Kepada Tubuh
Secara psikologi, apa yang berlaku kepada diri seseorang itu apabila dia marah? Kadar denyutan jantung dan tekanan darahnya akan meningkat. Ini adalah kesan langsung akibat lebihan hormon adrenalin dalam sistem peredaran darah. Kekuatan fizikal juga akan meningkat manakala kewarasan dan daya berfikir menurun.
Organ-organ badan yang berada dalam kawalan, akan hilang kawalan. Lidah akan mengeluarkan kata-kata yang kesat dan mengguris hati, tangan akan memukul, kaki akan menendang apa saja yang berada di kelilingnya, bahkan dia mungkin akan mencederakan dirinya sendiri.
Apabila rasa marah yang berpanjangan menguasai diri, rasa marah ini perlu diluahkan atau dihilangkan. Sekiranya perasaan ini dipendam, lebihan hormon adrenalin akan menjadi toksin dalam tubuh dan menjejaskan kesihatan untuk jangka masa panjang. Dia bukan saja akan menjadi seorang yang murung, kecewa, malah fikiran yang bercelaru yang boleh membawa kepada kegilaan. Tekanan darah yang tinggi dan kadar denyutan jantung yang laju akan membawa kepada serangan jantung dan penyakit fizikal yang lain.
Ubat Marah
Individu yang normal pasti akan mengalami perasaan marah apabila berhadapan dengan situasi yang memungkin perkara itu berlaku, dan kemarahan itu tidak boleh dielakkan. Perkara-perkara yang boleh dilakukan untuk menghilangkan rasa marah adalah seperti berikut:
- Sibukkan diri dengan mengingati Allah. Misalnya dengan berzikir dan berselawat. Firman Allah dalam sebuah hadis qudsi: “Wahai anak-anak Adam, apabila kamu marah, ingatlah kepada-Ku.”
- Meminta nasihat daripada orang berpengalaman. Suatu kisah yang berlaku pada zaman Nabi, sepasang suami isteri yang sering bergaduh bertemu baginda untuk meminta nasihat. Lalu kata Nabi, “Apabila kamu berasa marah, maka hiruplah air dan biarkan air itu di dalam mulutmu sehingga kemarahanmu reda.”
- Marah itu datangnya dari syaitan. Oleh itu, mintalah perlindungan dari Allah seperti membaca kalimah taawuz.
- Jika berasa marah ketika sedang berdiri, maka hendaklah duduk, dan jika sedang duduk, maka hendaklah berbaring.
- Fikirkan tentang kemurkaan Tuhan dan hukuman dari-Nya. Siapakah yang lebih besar kemarahannya, manusia atau Tuhan. Apa akan berlaku sekiranya Tuhan menunjukkan kemurkaan-Nya?
- Maafkan orang yang menyebabkan kemarahan itu. Setiap orang melakukan kesilapan termasuk diri kita. Jika kita mengharapkan keampunan Tuhan, maka wajarlah kita bersedia untuk memaafkan orang lain. Sifat saling maaf-memaafkan akan mewujudkan keharmonian dan kesejahteraan dalam masyarakat.
- Berwuduklah. Sebaik-baiknya lakukan solat sunat.
Ingatlah bahawa kehidupan ini hanya sementara saja. Setiap orang akan mati dan akan diadili di padang mahsyar kelak. Oleh yang demikian, perkara terbaik yang wajar dilakukan apabila ada orang yang menyebabkan kemarahan, ialah membalas kemarahan itu dengan kebaikan dan kasih sayang. Apabila perkara ini mampu dilakukan, barulah dunia akan menjadi tempat yang indah untuk didiami, aman dan sentosa.
p/s: i know it is quite difficult to control our emotions. I know it because everyone must has experienced through it right?? And there are many ways of handling it according to the person. However, we have to try to keep it in control as it is one of the challenges for humans from ALLAH in order to increase our standards among us.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
JPJ Test...!!

Assalamu'alaikum w.b.t.
Whew!! Lastly, i got it..! Alhamdulillah.. Yes!! I have passed the test..! haha.. 'Bestnye..' becoz i don't have to let my foot stepping on the place anymore.. i hate the environment. seriously, i really hate it..! Actually, it was the second time i took the test as i failed for the on the road test last week. huhu.. At least, i passed the test on hill, parking n three point turn at that time. So, today i only have to repeat the on the road test. Know why i hate the environment there?? huh!! too many waiting time..!! and so many smokers there..!! What an unpleasant to wait with the smoke everywhere.. However, i will not have to waste my time waiting for my turn anymore..! yey!! My sufferings will fly out from me without wings.. huhu.. Anyway, as i have passed the test, why not i share the tips right?? wanna know some tips from someone who have succeed in shooting for the 'P'?? Ha.. Continue ur reading okey..!!
Don't forget the do'a.. (important!!)
First test:-
1. Part one: hill (3 minutes)
~ensure the front car tyres are in the yellow line on the hill.
~feel the car is going down a little bit when u r trying to control the pressure given on the clutch pad and the petrol pad.
~when u push the hand brake down but the car still doesn't move forward, raise ur foot from clutch a little bit. (not raise up leaving the clutch without any pressure.still need it). And press more for the petrol.
2. Part two: parking (5 minutes)
~follow the steps that u have learnt. If me, i have to do for about twelves steps.
a. ensure the poll is seen a little bit at the left rear window of the car.
b. turn the steering two times to the left.
c. adjust the gear for reverse.
d. reverse the car until u can see the forth poll on the right side mirror.
e. turn the steering two times to the right.
f. reverse the car until u can see the yellow line.(kuarkan kepala kat tingkap waktu nih)
g. turn the steering two times to the right again.
h. reverse the car until it is in the box of parking. (finished, raise ur hand)
i. adjust the gear to 1.
j. move the car until u can see the first poll behind the left side mirror.
k. turn the steering three times to the left.
l. move the car towards the the three pointer turn place.
p/s: there are many 'mazhab' in the parking steps. so, juz practice which u feel easier.
3. Part three: three point turn (3 minutes)
a. seeing the poll number two behind the left side mirror,turn the steering twice to the right and stop before u reach the front poll.
b. turn the steering to the left side four times adjust the gear for reverse.
c. reverse the car and stop before u reach the behind poll.
d. turn the steering to the right four times and adjust the gear to num 1 and move.
Second test: On the road
~relax. don't be too panic and don't be over-confident.
~do what u have learnt during the driving class.
~REMEMBER the road that u have to drive along. (this is my fault during the last week test)
Below are the stuffs that u need to do during the test:-
1. adjust the seat.
2. adjust just the side and rear mirrors
3. wear the seat belt
4. ensure the gear is in free state
5. test the signal and wiper
6. use the signal when needed
7. use hand and foot brake correctly
8. obey the rules of traffic light
9. obey the stop sign at the junction
10. obey the rules of double lines
11. drive in correct lane
12. drive with safe distance
13. overtake with correct ways and use the rear mirror before turning
14. obey the speed limit
15. give priority to pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists.
16. drive at the corner side correctly. (slow and in the correct lane)
17. not changing the lane rashly when there is traffic jam
18. give priority to the vehicles on the right lane at the junctions and round about
19. not driving dangerously
20. use suitable gear according to the speed.
passed marks: 16/20
i got: 18/20 ..hehe..
that all from me. hope these info can bring some benefit to you..!!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Boys versus Girls..

'Boys are easier to take care of rather than girls but girls are more easier to be taught than boys..'
Really?? erm.. when i asked this phrase to my aunt, she said that it is quite true as she had the experiences with her daughter and son. She said that it is easier for taking care her son rather than her daughter becoz she didn't have to be worried much about her son as when he grows bigger, he can take good care of himself.
When the boys have to travel in a long distance trip or journey, most of their parents will have a trust that their sons will be safe, Insyaallah. However, if the child is a daughter, then, the parents would be worried enough to let her go. They will ask with whom they will go for the trip, with what, how much the cost and so on. And, certain parents will not let their daughter out or if they give permission, they will ensure their daughter is in the safe mode. For example, maybe some parents will send and fetch their daughters to the places or maybe they will make a call for every minute..!! huhu..
Why do parents more worried on their daughters than their sons?? We all know the answer right? Girls have to face many harms out there. As they are weaker and need more protection than boys. Moreover, many cases which involve girls as victims are reported in media from time to time. Therefore, it is rational if our parents are very worried about us.
In Islam, parents have to take care of their daughters until they get married. But for boys, only until they have works and able to support their lives. What a pretty of Islam right?? As it very protecting females and Islam has some rational reasons to do so.
We go to 'girls are more easier to be taught than boys'.. erm, normally this phrase will have the agreement of many parents. huhu.. erm, most of the boys are more stubborn and rebellious than girls. While, girls have the obedient and gentle character more than boys. Most of girls are also more hardworking than boys. Therefore, girls are easier to be taught.
However, i admitted that if boys are more hardworking in their works or lives, then they will be more successful than girls. Look. Many of the specialists are males, even though there are more females under them. So, i really respect the males who are really committed in their lives.
Why do i wrote about this?? It is becoz, huhu.. my mother is actually quite worried as i want to further my studies in oversea. I know she is very proud of me and she knew i can take care of myself. But she still worried. She doesn't say if she is worried. But i know it becoz she always say "USIM pon bagus Long.." after i got the offers from MARA. huhu. However, after seeing that i want to accept the MARA offers, she accepts my decision. At the same time, she contacts my neighbour who are continuing her studies there to know more about the life in Jordan..hakhak.. (Ummi..don't worry too much about me..) Anyway, i really proud to have a mum like that.. Imagine if i am a boy, does ummi will be worried much like this??
Sunday, May 11, 2008
JPA's Result..
Perubatan Timur Tengah
Adilah binti Nawam
Ahmad Mus'ab bin Hariza
Dewi Maslinda binti Yahya Robi
Fatin Amirah binti Mohamed Yusoff
Seni Bina
Muhammad Sabri bin Ibrahim
Nabila Fariha binti Sharikh
Nurul Ain binti Toha
Sastera dan Kemanusiaan Jepun
Sarah Rashiqah binti Rasid
Friday, May 9, 2008
Perubatan Timur Tengah
Persediaan Timur Tengah UKM (Mesir)
Ahmad Mujahid bin Jamilin
Marinah Syahirah binti Mohd Shafie
Nur Hafiza binti Hasan Ganny
Perubatan Timur Tengah
Persediaan Timur Tengah IKIP (Mesir)
Nur Nabihah binti Helmi
Perubatan Timur Tengah
Persediaan Timur Tengah INTEC UiTM (Jordan)
Farhanah binti Tajurudin
Nur Izzah Binti Md Akhir
Siti Zulaikha binti Hairuddin
Pergigian Timur Tengah
Persediaan Timur Tengah INTEC UiTM (Jordan)
Nik Maryam Anisah binti Nik Mu'tasim
IB Kolej MARA Banting
Muhammad Hafiz bin Kamarul Bahrin
A- level Kolej Shahputra
Raihan binti Ibrahim
IB Kolej MARA Banting
Ahmad Ikram bin Abdul Patah
A- level Spain MSI
Irfan bin Anhar
Fatimah Alyaa' binti Ayub
A- level Kolej MARA Seremban
Ahmad Muhyiddin bin Hashim
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Conversation with the Chinese Uncle..

The conversation between us start when the creature above passed across the road during my training for driving licence.
Uncle: Wow! Itu biawak la.. Awak nampak itu? Olang cine ske lo makan itu..
Izzah: Aaa.. nampak2.. Ha..? org cine makan eyh? Eeeei..! Uncle makan x??
Uncle: Saya x makaaann..
Izzah: Abih.. uncle makan ape?
Uncle: Saya makan itu kancil.
Izzah: Owh.. sedap x?
Uncle: Sedap2..
Izzah: Rusa uncle pernah makan?
Uncle: X da.. kancil saja..
Izzah: Owh..lagi, uncle makan ape? katak ada??
Uncle: x da la.. Saya pernah makan itu labi- labi..sedap ooo.. buat sup.. ubat ma.. sihat badan..
Izzah: (angguk2.. dalam hati, yeke bley buat ubat?? huhu)
Uncle: Susah itu mau dapat labi2.. itu olang melayu klu dapat dia bagi saya ma.. kita tuka2.. saya bagi dia ayam 2 ekor.. sama duit sikit.. dia bagi itu saya labi2..
Izzah: Owh.. Uncle, feng shui tu ape??
Uncle: Owh, fung soi..(ni cara die sebut). Saya x da percaya itu. Saya percaya nasib.
Izzah: Owh, x sama ye uncle?
Uncle: Iyela.. itu fung soi, die mcm klu awak duduk dekat rumah, bahagia saja.. itu maksudnya, fung soi bagus. Kalau awak pindah, ada manyak masalah, itu fung soi x da bagus. Nanti itu olang fung soi r suruh buat apa2.. bagi itu fung soi bagus balik.. tapi, saya x da percaya oo..
Izzah: Owh..uncle percaya nasib tu macamana??
Uncle: Saya percaya itu nasib olang r.. x bole ubah la..
Izzah: Owh..Macam tu ke...? (HaizZz klu mcm tuh, x fair la.. Dalam Qur'an Allah ada berfirman: Tidaklah Allah mengubah nasib sesuatu kaum itu melainkan kaum itu yg berusaha mengubahnya..-x ingat lak dlm surah ape..)
Uncle: Ya la.. Awak pon mcm itu ka??
Izzah: Eiyh, x.. lain.. saya percaya nasib ni boleh ubah dgn usaha dan do'a..
Uncle: Owh, lain2.. Do'a?? Eiyh, itu r.. kalau agama awak, dosa boleh ampun ka??
Izzah: Boleh..
Uncle: Owh, bagi saya x da boleh ma..
Izzah: Ha??
Uncle: Iyala.. cuba awak tgk..kalo ada yg bunuh keluarga awak r..x kanla awak senang2 nak bagi maaf..kalo dia kata minta maaf la..x kan mcm itu saja..??
Izzah: Owh..yg tuh..Klu yg tuh, die ada denda.. kirenye, org tuh kne dibunuh balik la..
Uncle: Maksudnya, x da maafla itu..
Izzah: Eiyh, kat akhirat die x dela dosa yg tu dah..
Uncle: Owh..mcm itu.. samala.. sebab klu dosa yg ringan2..mcm saya marah2 awak, pastu saya minta maaf, itu bolehla..
Izzah: (angguk2..)
Uncle: Penah dgr itu crita pasal Osama bin Laden?
Izzah: Owh, pernah2.. (alamak, jgnla die bka lbey2 pasal nih.. x tau sgt pasal osama nih. coz time sibuk2 hal die tuh mcm malas plak nak tau.. HaizZz.. nyesal lak..yela, time tuh immatured lagi.. huhu.. yeke?? entahla..)
Uncle: Awak rasa die baik x??
Izzah: Baik..
Uncle: Kenapa awak kata die baik??
Izzah: (Alamak.. nak jawab ape nih?? taram la..) Sebab Israel yg jahat..
Uncle: Yala.. itu Israel dgn Amerika mmg.. Tapi kenapa itu osama pegi bom itu bgunan? itu bukan kena dekat yg salah.. kena itu pada yg x berdosa..
Izzah: Eiyh, itu bkn die buat la uncle.. tu Israel yg buat..
Uncle: Habis, kalau die x buat, kenapa die mengaku??
Izzah: Eiyh die ada ngaku eyh?? (adoooiii... penah tgk rasanye kat tv pasal nih..tapi, x berapa ingat da..) Die bley buat2 tu uncle..(jwapan bodoh rasanye nih)
Uncle: Eiyh..mana.. x mungkin la..
Izzah: Senyum..(x tau nak kata ape da..)
Uncle: Yela..tapi uncle x la kata dia salah ke jahat ke.. sebab kite x tau..
Izzah: Erm..kite x tau ape sebenarnye yg berlaku..
The Conversation was stopped for a while as the uncle asked me to stop the car because he wanted to buy some fruits. After a few minutes, he came back and i drove carefully while at this time, we talked about his family.. huhu..
The moral is we have to have knowledge about whatever things that related to Islam and even the knowledge that related to other religion as it will be easier for us to explain clearly about it. As for me, i don't know much about Osama.. Adooii.. what a shame.. x bley nak terangkan ape yg berlaku senanye.. eisy..!! nyesal2.. ish3..
Friday, May 2, 2008
Yesterday's event.. (60 years NAKBA)
Assalamu'alaikum w.b.t.
Yesterday, there was an event in Taman Sri Kenari that is the place where i live. The event was named 'Tamanku Syurgaku' if i'm not mistaken. The programme started at 8.00 o'clock. However, i didn't join the programme at that early because I was not in mood to join it. From my siblings, they said that as usual, there was quite a number of stalls selling many choices of food. Also, clothes and others. Besides that, there was also two horses to be rode for RM 5 per ride. Erm, quite cheaper i think. My father, youngest sister and younger brother took the chance to ride the horses. Actually, i was quite jealous with them. But i didn't want to go for the ride coz arh.. i would get attention of many people..haha (perasan!!).
The most thing that annoyed me was.. the burgers bought by 'mak cik' was excessive burnt (hangus!!) haizzz.. (geram sangat) and i didn't eat the burger of mine. Wanna know who sold these burgers?? He is one of the ex-maahad, from 5 ghaza.. n he is my neighbour!! Huh!!
Okay, we come back to the activity of the programme at night. Yesterday night, there was a speech on 60 years NAKBA of Palestine by Dr. Mohd. Hafidzi bin Mohd. Nor (sorry, klu salah eja..) Erm.. what is nakba?? nakba is an arabic word which means suffering. Dr. said that on 15 Mei 1948 was the starting of War of Independence claimed by Israel on certain part of Palestine. And from that day, the Palestinians were suffering until now. And the suffering was more worse since 2006 as Israel had widened their region until the Masjidil Aqsa mosque was included in theirs. And now, Semenanjung Gaza is suffering from the shortage of water, electricity, food, medicines and their basics for lives. This is because Israel had blocked all their needs. What a cruel!! Huh!!
Dr. Hafidzi also told us that they had asked the Palestinians about the help or favour which they may need. And You know what their answer? At first, i thought maybe they wanted us to pray for them. However, it was different. They wanted us to educate our muslim future generations in order to replace them if they were gone. Huh!! i only smiled (dgn sinis) as i know, how are the Malaysians now especially the muslim teenagers. Where are they during prayer time? Where are they during the midnight? Are they on praying mat in mosque or enjoy clubbing in sinful places.. huh!! very2 disappointed!! You know right where the most of them? huhu.. Please, think about it deeply and try to improve ourselves in our lives as a muslim who had been hoped by all muslims in the world. Hopefully, one of us will become one more Salahuddin al-Ayyubi or maybe one more Muhammad al-Fateh in future. Insyaalah.. Together we unite in the name of Islam because of ALLAH..!!