Assalamu3aleykum wbt.Emm dah sebulan lebih tak mengupdate blog. sebelum nie alasan exams. skrg cuti, alasan tak tau nak update apa. aiseehh.. tapi ada ke yg menjenguk blog comel lagi tersorok nie? ehehhe.. [nak muntah pi bilik air keyh.]
Cuti.. only 20 days in Malaysia. Malaysia dah jadi rumah kedua nampaknya. Rumah pertama? For sure Jordan.. Uh Urdun Awwalan!!Err.. tetiba macam takut entry kali ini tiada isi. Maka, kalau lah macam tu.. saya telah membazirkan masa orang yang membaca. At least, i have to make sure that my post has something they can benefit. Kalau tak, kena tulis amaran supaya tak baca. Aiseehh~ Hmmm.. apekah.. apekah.. main idea x mahu datang walaupun dah berfikir lebih kurang setengah jam..baikk.. setelah lebih kurang 1 jam 8 minit berfikir..jom mahu cerita pasal VERSUS written by Hlovate.Ok.. tulisan Hlovate dalam VERSUS menarik. Still, it's kinda love story. But i guaranteed you'll get something from VERSUS.__________________________________________________________
'...when looking at an unbelievable society's stereotypical ideas of woman, we notice immediately that they act according to their whims and instincts. The conditioning they receive from childhood onward about the ideal woman's character become almost their sole source of guidance. Given that the woman in their immediate environment act and speak in the same way, that woman portrayed in the films and novels display the same character, that people seem to agree on what's a woman's character should be, their character is a habitual one..'
-Versus: Hlovate, pg 327-
Quote above is copy pasted from VERSUS which has been summarized from Maryam: An Exemplary Muslim Woman by Harun Yahya. You can read the original one here.Em. Bila baca perenggan ni... sangat terasa betulnya. Well, tak payah pergi jauh-jauh. Juz look at ourselves. Akan sangat mudah terkesan dengan suasana kalau tak de keluarga atau kawan-kawan yang memperingatkan.. Ok, contoh. Kita berada di tengah kawan-kawan yang semuanya ber'couple'. Kalaulah masa tu tak de siapa masa ingatkan.. emm.. alamatnya, akan terkesan jugalah walau sedikit.Pastu.. tudung hanya dijadikan sebagai trend. Tudung pakai but still aurat yang lain nampak. Pergaulan tak dijaga.. nie kira benda normal dalam masyrakat. Uh!And then, kalau media pulak.. contoh.. artis ni pakai macam ni macam ni.. maka akan adalah yang mengikut. Kalau yang elok fine, it's alright to be followed. But majority hmm... *grin*______________________________________________________________
'There is a subtle danger that leads people away from religion,prevents them from submitting to God as their Lord, and ultimatelybrings numerous other forms of trouble and distress upon them.
The danger is romanticism which leads
people to live, not according to their reason, but according to theiremotions; that is, according to their desires, hatreds, their susceptibility totemptation, and their stubbornness.'-Romanticism: Harun Yahya, pg13-
-Versus: Hlovate, pg 298-
'Emotional people, who make their loved ones the 'sole subject of their lives', who will commit every kind of unreasonable acts to be with their lover -so much as to commit suicide- have all become victims of this pernicious weapon used by satan'-Versus: Hlovate, pg 299 [summarized from Romanticism: Harun Yahya]-'The most disturbing aspect of this danger is that an overwhelmingnumber of people do not see it as a danger at all, nor do they realise eitherthat it is actually a state of mind completely inimical to religion. In fact,many view it, not as a dangerous error, but rather as a virtue to beencouraged and widely propagated.'-Romanticism: Harun Yahya, pg 13--Versus: Hlovate, pg 300-Ok. Sekarang, semua quotes kat atas ni cakap pasal idolatrous love atau dalam bahasa mudahnya... cinta monyet.
Cuba kita lihat keliling... budaya couple.. makin lama, makin merebak. Seolah-olah ianya tak salah: oh syaitan tengah memainkan peranan kat sini. Menjadi satu yang biasa sehinggakan pernah saya dengar, kalau tak de pasangan tu.. it's something weird. Kat sini, kita akan akui quote yang mula-mula sekali pasal something yang sepatutnya pelik menjadi biasa dalam masyrakat.
_____________________________________________________________'The source of wisdom, as we said before, is a deep-seated faithand fear of God. Those who fear God, heed His commandments andproscriptions, become naturally possessed of this superior insight as ablessing from God. But, though this virtue is easily acquired, very feware endowed of wisdom. This condition, that God makes known in theQu'ran, saying, "Most of them do not use their reason." ( Qur'an,5:103), arises from the fact that most people do not have the properfaith, having left no room for the Qu'ran in their lives.'-Romanticism: Harun Yahya, pg 58--Versus: Hlovate, pg 300-Penyelesaiannya, yakin, percaya dan takut kepada Allah. Or we call it as wisdom.______________________________________________________Domino's Effect1. Solat + Ibadat2. Hidup bersyariat3. Aurat4. Ikhtilat-Versus: Hlovate, pg 323-Kesan Domino: Kalau nombor 1 sempurna, maka yang nombor 2-4 akan mengikut. Macam Domino. Susun tegak-tegak semua. Tolak yang 1st, semua akan ikut jatuh._________________________________________________________Uh, hampir semua quotes. Haha.. Em.. untuk penceritaan yang lebih menarik berbentuk cerita, boleh baca Versus.
Untuk yang more towards facts, boleh baca Romanticism: A Weapon of Satan. Yang ni boleh download kat website dia.
p/s1: hujan sekarang. sangat suka bau hujan.
p/s2: moga saya yang menulis akan berusaha praktik apa yang saya tulis. Doakan.
p/s3: saya mengaku saya lebih suka baca something yang berbentuk cerita daripada facts. Nak baca facts boleh. Tapi kebanyakan buku facts akan dilangkau-langkau mencari topic yang rasa nak baca. Uhuh.. Boleh pulak macam tu kan. Bila laa nak berubah. Salute lah orang yang boleh baca facts macam baca novel. Kalau ada yang macam tu yang baca post nie, boleh share sikit apa rahsia. [macam ada je yang baca. haha..]
p/s4: baru tuka layout. So, macam biasa kehilangan link2 kamu. Maka, sangat-sangat dipersilakan untuk tinggal jejak untuk saya link kan balik.