Tema PINTAR untuk bulan Mac: Sebarkan sayangmu. Or spread your love.
If we often talk about love, it won't be special anymore.
But if we never talk, the love may go away.
Spread your love. But don't talk too often. Just do more.
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intan pakai cincin tunang ker tu?
smpai ke sini rasa that the lov* spread.
rindu keeeeeeee~~~~ >.<
cincin tunang? err.. tnya tuan punya cincin lah~
tulah. rasa x lov* nya? =P
"If we often talk about love, it won't be special anymore."
emm akk rs ayat yg ptutnya lbih tpat,
if we often say love, it won't be special anymore.
maksudnya, klu sgt slalu ckp sayang, org tu rs cm bnda tu biasa je. x rs dah specialnya.
akk bg situasi.[snany ni cm cilok dr kata2 org. tp akk x igt dr siapa.]
ok. katakan tiap hari mak dpt sekuntum bunga ros dr ayah. mmg tiap ari lah. n then, adakah mak tu akan rs istimewa klu dpt stgkai bunga ros yg sama masa bday atau annivrsary day? mstilah rs biasa. sbb dah dpt tiap ari. kan? ke x?
ha. cmtulah juga mksud ayat akk tu. get it?
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