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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

It's for Zulaikha+Kak Arina


Before you read my post this time, I would like to tell you that this post is just to answer the tags from Zulaikha and Kak Arina. So, If you hope to read something that will bring benefits, please go to another blog.. Thanx..!!
  1. hanisah
  2. iman
  3. kausar
  4. mardhiah
  5. naya
  6. nuha
  7. sarah
  8. solehah
  9. tnoe
  10. kak arina
Who is no.2 having relationship with?
I don't know..

If no.7 and no.10 be together, would it be a good thing?
Same answer with you Zul.. Totally not.. HARAM..

How about no.5 and 8?
Same answer with the above question

Where is number 1 studying?

Erk.. Ermmm.. Matriks.. Where?? Sorry, I forgot..

When was the last time you have chat with no.9?
Ermm Don't really remember.. But I think it's about 2-3months ago I chatted with her on the cbox at her blog.. =P

Is number 4 a single?

-Tagged by Zulaikha-

1. My friends are my family here.

2. I'm listening to sound of 'Sahab' (something that is used to pump water)

3. Maybe I should go to 'Taklimat Jeladah Jordan' now. I'll continue after this.

4. I love to sleep if i'm tired.

5. My plan this holiday is to travel around Jordan and then going to Syria.. Hehe..

6. I don't understand why do you still read this post.

7. I lost.. I don't know what i lost. Maybe nothing till this time.

8. People say 'Time is money'. No. I don't agree with this coz we cannot get back the time that we have wasted.

9. I'm missing someone..

10. Love means caring. Caring means sharing. Sharing means everything. Haha..

11. Somewhere on the earth, there is me typing this post.

12. I'm always searching for my soul.

13. Forever seems.. no idea.

14. I do not want to repeat year in my study!! Insyaallah.. Pray for me. Also for all my friends. I want to graduate together with them without repeating any year.

15. My mobile phone is black.

16. When i wake up in the morning, i take a glance at my phone watch.

17. I get annoyed if it is difficult for me to understand something.

18. Parties are... depends on my mood and the party's surroundings.

19. Today I've finished my last exam for the first semester, first year in JUST.

20. Tomorrow I'll watch movie or maybe go shopping. Depends on my mood.

21. I really want to fill my stomach.

22. I miss my family

23. What is your phone brand?

24. The last three digits of my number are 178

25. What does the second message in your inbox say?
~(Arabic language) -Orange-

26. Who was the last person you rang?

27. Who was your last missed call from?

28. What does the oldest message in your inbox say?
~"Sorry kacau.. Rinduler sbb tu bg msg nie.. Malunye.." -Ngah-

29. Who comes after J?

30. Go to your messages, see what the 10th message say?
~"We have added the free monthly 3 JOD to your Messaging balance; you will get the next free monthly messaging balance on 24-02-2009 if your line remains active" -Orange-

31. Who is your network provider?

32. How many messages are there in your inbox?

33. Who do you have on speed dial 3?

34. If you are using prepaid card, how much credits do they have?
~5 JOD

35. Who is the first person who comes after C?

36. What do you have as your main ringtone?
~Look into My Eyes by Outlandish

37. Pass this quiz to 10 people.
~Anyone who want to do it, just do it.

-Tagged by Kak Arina-

Finished with the tags. Hoping for no more tag after this.. Huhu..


Sunday, January 4, 2009

Penjuru Aku..??

Assalamu'alaikum w.b.t.

Maaf, sudah lama tidak meng'update' blog ini. Kalau mengikut apa yang tertera di 'archieve', hanya sekali sahaja aku menulis 'post' bagi bulan Disember. Kenapa? Sebab masa tidak mencukupi.. Benarkah? Atau mungkin diri ini tidak pandai menyusun masa? Erm, mungkin ya. Tapi, punca utama masa tidak cukup.. aku terlalu suka bermalas-malasan. Terlalu memanjakan diri!! Ingatlah wahai diri, jangan begini! Tegaslah terhadap nafsu malasmu! Kalau tidak, kau akan ketinggalan..!! Ayuh diri.. Bangkit!! -(penggunaan aku menunjukkan baris-baris tulisan di atas adalah untuk diri penulis)

"Kita adalah duta-duta kecil Islam. Maka peliharalah penjuru milik kita supaya Islam tidak diserang dari sudut itu.." -Kak Ahiyasah, Universiti Yarmouk, tahun akhir

Serangan fizikal atau luaran
Serangan Israel di Gaza yang berlangsung hingga ke hari ini betul-betul menjadi kejutan buat orang ramai. Sungguh tidak disangka. Namun begitu, dari sini kita dapat lihat apakah umat Islam masih bersatu atau tidak? Cuba kita lihat pemimpin-pemimpin Islam di negara Arab sendiri. Apakah yang mereka lakukan? Dengar-dengar ada yang menhalang bekalan ubat dan makanan. Erm, apakah yang telah terjadi kepada mereka ini sebenarnya? Kenapa tidak mahu turun membantu? Takut? Entah.. Biarkan.. Berbalik kepada diri.. Apa yang mampu dilakukan? Insyaallah, berdoa, cuba bersatu dan membantu mengikut kemampuan.

Serangan pemikiran atau dalaman
Sementara itu, di Malaysia+Jordan+negara-negara Islam yang sewaktu dengannya juga sedang mengalami serangan. Serangan apa? Serangan apa lagi kalau bukan pemikiran. Kalau serangan di Gaza baru sahaja berlaku, serangan di negara-negara ini lebih parah kerana telah berlaku lama dahulu dan semakin lama bertambah parah!

Tak payah lihat jauh-jauh, lihat pada diri sebab hanya diri sendiri yang dapat mengubah diri. Mari kita kembali bermuhasabah. -solat bagaimanakah? Masa dimanfaatkankah? Pakaian, caranya? Hubungan sosial mengikut syara'? Fikirkan wahai diri yang sedang menulis.. Fikirkan wahai hati yang sedang membaca.. -Jangan hanya berfikir..Bertindaklah!!

Adakah kita mempertahankan Islam dari penjuru masing-masing? Atau kita sendiri yang membuka pintu penjuru itu untuk diserang? -Ingat, setiap Muslim itu memegang penjuru untuk dipertahankan..!!
